And will you succeed?
Yes! You will indeed!
(98 and 1/2 percent guaranteed.)
Kid, you’ll move mountains!

Dr Seuss

Research and Teaching

I am an educator and researcher at the University at Buffalo, specializing in psychosocial disorders and embodied self-regulation.

Academic Bio

I am a Professor in the Department of Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology (CSEP) at the University at Buffalo (UB), where I teach courses on mindful therapy, yoga for health and healing, self-care and service, eating disorder prevention and treatment, and counseling with children and adolescents. Presenting nationally and internationally, I use my model of embodied self-regulation to structure discussions on empirical work and practical applications. Similarly, my research focuses on embodied self-regulation (i.e., yoga, mindfulness, and self-care) and psychosocial disorders (e.g., eating disorders, trauma). My research has been funded by lululemon athletica, the National Science Foundation, and UNICEF.

Learn More About My Research

Research funders include:

Doctoral Program

Since I began at the University at Buffalo in 2002, I have enjoyed my work with my research team and supervisees tremendously. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with extremely bright and passionate individuals. We have done work here in Buffalo, and we have traveled as far as Africa. I am grateful every day for this opportunity; an opportunity that is — by far — the most rewarding and meaningful part of my work.

Meet my research team

Awards and Recognition